Sunday, January 28, 2007

taking advantage of new technolorgy.

Recently I watched the gates ces keynote and the jobs macworld keynote. I was struck by the similarities of each in so far as they made a point about convergence, connectivity, and interoperability. I think that over the next few years a major issue for me will be how to recognize the opportunities afforded by these 'new' technologies and how to best take advantage of them to improve my family's home life.

Over the past two years, my wife and I have switched to broadband (DSL), wifi, and laptops and these, in combination, have had a significant (good) impact on our daily lives - and saved us about $550 a year in direct, out-of-pocket expense.

The point is that as my wife and I made these changes we did not anticipate how much better things would be. We adopted these technologies to address immediate inconviences and did not anticipate the longer term benefits.


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